Privacy Policy

Turismo Gargo, S. A. de C. V., owner of the Mex Rent a Car brand.

Tax address: Calle La Villa 1996 Col. Chapalita, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. C. P. 44500.

Tel: +52 (33) 4624 2114.

RFC: TGA9411308Q6

Turismo Gargo, explains below how we use your personal information: we only collect the information that we need and that is related to your reservation and/or rental of the vehicle. This includes the following: Billing Address, Shipping Address, Email Address and Credit Card Information.

In addition, when you make your reservation online, Turismo Gargo collects information about your IP address, browser type and referring URL data. We use this data to prevent hacking attempts, help us know what web browsers people use and find out where our visitors come from so we can improve our marketing.

At Turismo Gargo we only use your information to complete your reservation and/or vehicle rental whether you make it on our website or in person at any of our offices. We do not sell or distribute your information (name, address, phone and email address) to any public or private entity.Only billing, shipping and reservation content data is stored on our server. This information is encrypted using a secure connection layer before being transmitted through a web server. We do not store your credit and/or debit card information.

Turismo Gargo has maintained inviolable its commitment to respect the privacy of all its customers, including those who make reservations online.We use the SSL 3.0 certificate to protect the data you send from your browser to our site and database.The registration of your credit and/or debit card is only as a guarantee that no charge will be made until you show up to pick up your vehicle, also the data is encrypted to ensure your privacy when you make your reservation request online. The simple operation of consultation on our website does not require the activation of security locks and does not collect your data.Our security system is automatically activated when a transaction is captured in which information that will be recorded in the database is handled, such as when you make an online reservation.

You can be confident that all your personal information, including your name, address and e-mail address, as well as your telephone number and reservation details, will be kept completely confidential and will not be provided to any other person or company unless you or any authority through an order expressly requests us to do so. This commitment covers all your relatives, friends or any other person whose information you share with us at the time of contacting us or making a reservation.
Our website has links to other sites and is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such Internet sites.We use your IP address and cookies to help diagnose our server behavior and to administer our site.

Additionally, please be informed that we use a tracking pixel and user data will be collected and shared with the Facebook platform. Turismo Gargo is also committed to your peace of mind, and has implemented the strictest standards and procedures to ensure the security of your online operation.

You have the right to know what personal information we hold about you, what we use it for and the conditions of use we make of it (access). Likewise, it is your right to request the correction of personal information in case your information is outdated, inaccurate or incomplete (rectification); that we remove it from our records or database when you consider that it is not being used properly (cancellation); as well as to oppose the use of your personal data for specific purposes (opposition).
These rights are known as ARCO rights; however, it is important that you keep in mind that not in all cases we will be able to conclude your request in the desired sense, since it is possible that for some legal obligation we require to continue treating your personal data; likewise, you should consider that, for certain purposes, the revocation of your consent will imply that we cannot continue providing the service you requested, or the conclusion of your relationship with Turismo Gargo.

To exercise your ARCO rights, you can access the procedure that we have implemented, i.e., it will be enough to contact the area of personal data security in the link or, by email writing a document in Spanish language, where you add your full name, a simple copy of your official identification or, in electronic media digitalized version of the same (scan), indicating the email or physical address you designate for notifications and a contact telephone number.
Once this is done, within a maximum period of 20 business days you will be informed of the origin of such request; in the event that a response letter is sent to the physical address indicated, the twenty days will be considered completed at the time of delivery of the document to the postal service.

The present Notice, as well as its modifications, will be at your disposal in the page in the section “privacy notice” through notices placed in our registered office or informing you through any means of communication that we have with you.

Last modification: September 2024.